Mike Lyon of Do You Convert talked in the IBS* 2016 Master Session about lead nurturing and gave a step-by-step outline for online and NterNow type leads–
These leads may be 12 months out from buying and they have reached out to you during their research period via an Internet form, email, call or became a captured NterNowlead. Here’s his long term nurturing strategy:
5 mins | Phone call |
5 mins | Personal email |
Day 3 | Video email |
Day 4 | Did you receive my video? |
Day 5 | Second call |
Day 7 | Informational email |
Day 14 | Invitation email |
Day 21 | Third call |
Day 30 | Email: am I doing something wrong? Please let me know how I can help you |
After 30 days |
– Newsletter monthly (don’t expect a response like a thank you but track click thrus.) – If no click-thru, sometime during the month send a personal inquiry email and offer help |
*The NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) is the largest annual light construction show in the world.