Month: December 2019

Are the Frozen Food Cases Locked Up in Your Grocery Store?

Then why lock up YOUR product, forcing customers to peer in the windows or ask an agent to escort them thru your spec homes? Here’s why this customer journey is flawed and why offering alternative customer journeys with technology-driven do-it-yourself strategies will help you create happy buyers and can sell more houses. Offering Buyers to […]

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We’re Bringing Lockly Secure Latch Locks to TecHome Builder Summit 2019 and IBS 2020!

lockly instruction

How do we continue to enhance the independent access experience for home buyers? Well, we upgrade our to high-tech locks!  We are so excited to get our new locks from Lockly to our builders! NEW LOCKS Here are some fun pictures of the SecureLatch locks we now have available.   We’re shipping like crazy!  Fortunately, more locks […]

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We’re Bringing Lockly Secure Latch Locks to TecHome Builder Summit 2019 and IBS 2020!

lockly door

How do we continue to enhance the independent access experience for home buyers? Well, we upgrade our to high-tech locks!  We are so excited to get our new locks from Lockly to our builders! NEW LOCKS Here are some fun pictures of the SecureLatch locks we now have available.   We’re shipping like crazy!  Fortunately, more […]

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