Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? How can a builder provide the public unattended access to locked new spec homes yet still keep the homes secure? Isn’t that asking for trouble?
“Yes, back in the old days when you left your specs open all day to the public, theft and vandalism lightened wallets too often,” says Lynne Davis, CEO of NterNow which bills itself as the industry’s most secure access system. “However, with current technology and today’s accurate verification services, instant access can be provided while keeping the home well secured.”
NterNow has layers of security to ensure home visitors keep the home safe:
NterNow Lock –
Specialized lock which expects a different unlocking code every minute (without the need for Wifi, ZWave or Bluetooth service). It also relocks after 15 seconds so all visitors have to do is close the front door behind them. The unlocking code cannot be used again there or on any other NterNow lock.
Visitor Identity –
Verified though third party services to confirm they are who they say they are.
Info Collection –
Since so much identity information is collected about each visitor, those with criminal intent are discouraged from acting on it.
Locator –
Visitors must be in proximity to the home to receive a code, and so cannot share the code with someone else.
Age –
Visitors are verified to be over 18.
Time –
NterNow operates only sunrise to sundown.
New Visit Alerts –
Texts are sent to builder’s agents informing them in real time that a visitor is currently touring one of their properties.
Onsite Agents Remain Key Players
NterNow doesn’t take the place of your vigilant onsite agents. “They are still your best security force checking to be sure all the doors of their specs are locked before they leave the community each night. Even a buyer’s agent can accidentally leave a back door unlocked.”
Lynne added, “By the way, we were honored with the National Association of Homebuilder’s S.A.F.E. Innovation of the Year award last time it was awarded. If during identity verification, a visitor is flagged as a predator, the NterNow reps will alert the onsite agents. This could save someone’s life someday. So we are actually reducing the riskiness of their jobs.”
“And not to pat ourselves on the back but NterNow’s strong security processes and features have only allowed one home security breach in ten years when an NterNow home in Atlanta lost a kitchen and a bathroom faucet. The builder called us only because they wanted us to know that they ruined our clean record. They are still clients of NterNow today.”
For a demo of these NterNow security features and others, contact or visit us here.