Your Marketing is Great But Your Lead Capture Clucks

Your Marketing is Great But Your Lead Capture Clucks

Your Lead Collection is Fowl

At last month’s TecHome Builder Summit 2019 in the DC area, Lynne Davis of NterNow showed just how feather-weight builders’ lead capture efforts are. 

“If we were teachers with students consistently scoring in the 60% or less range, we’d all be fired,” Davis said once off the podium. 

Take care of Drive-buyers Better than Mother Hen and Hatch a Plan to Collect Your Drive-buyers.

NterNow provides instant home access to “drive-buyers” checking out your communities and your spec homes online and by car.  Davis has collected industry-leading data about the drive-buyer’s journey where traditional collection efforts fall short. 

When collected, drive-buyers enter at the top or bottom of your sales funnel. According to Spencer Powell of Builder Funnel on Kimberly Mackey’s New Homes Solutions vlog: some will buy in 8 weeks, others in 18 months .  Consistent capture and nurturing of drive-buyers hatches tomorrow’s sales.

How important is capturing drive-buyers?  Here are some figures that can change the trajectory of your in-community sales activities in 2020–

You’ll Crow Over These NterNow Results

Lead collection data shows for every buyer’s agent who registers in your sales center or visits one of your locked spec homes with a buyer, builders collect 3x-5x more drive-buyer leads: 


An NterNow lock was installed on a closeout home south of Atlanta. In 3 months, the builder collected 17 buyer agent leads and 81 drive-buyers without buyer’s agents accompanying them.  That’s 4 drive-buyers for every visiting buyer’s agent.

Another way to look at this data:

If the builder had only employed the traditional method of selling a close-out home, the results would have been minimal.  About 17 buyer agent showings and about 1 lead per week from prospects calling to set appointments to see the home.  Let’s compare these 29-30 leads collected using traditional means with the 98 leads captured with NterNow (17 agents and 81 drive-buyers). 

How many drivebuyers does it take to yield a sale?

While on average it takes thousands of internet hits to make a sale, every 45 NterNow captured drive-buyers produces a sale. 

Watch your sales results take off with stronger lead capture! 

For more information about NterNow, visit us at Sales Central (S219) at IBS 2020 in Las Vegas or visit